"/var/www/finrange.com/source/app/Http/Controllers/Company/CompanyController.php: 48"
App\Models\Company {#492
  #table: "companies"
  #appends: array:1 [
    0 => "url"
  #fillable: array:27 [
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    1 => "ticker"
    2 => "name"
    3 => "description"
    4 => "country"
    5 => "sector"
    6 => "industry"
    7 => "sector_id"
    8 => "industry_id"
    9 => "logo"
    10 => "gicGroup"
    11 => "gicIndustry"
    12 => "gicSector"
    13 => "gicSubIndustry"
    14 => "exchange_id"
    15 => "country_id"
    16 => "address"
    17 => "isin"
    18 => "split"
    19 => "split_date"
    20 => "currency"
    21 => "dividendPolitics"
    22 => "site"
    23 => "holders"
    24 => "name_en"
    25 => "description_en"
    26 => "ipo_date"
  +asYouType: false
  #connection: "mysql"
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  #attributes: array:37 [
    "id" => 2884
    "exchange_id" => 7
    "country_id" => 2
    "company_parent_id" => null
    "is_privilege" => 0
    "exchange" => "NASDAQ"
    "ticker" => "ATAX"
    "name" => "America First Multifamily Investors"
    "description" => "America First Multifamily Investors LP is a US-based company engaged in acquiring a portfolio of mortgage revenue bonds that are issued by state and local housing authorities to provide construction and permanent financing."
    "country" => "США"
    "sector" => "Financials"
    "industry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "sector_id" => 8
    "industry_id" => 63
    "logo" => "https://financialmodelingprep.com/image-stock/ATAX.jpg"
    "created_at" => "2021-03-07 12:03:27"
    "updated_at" => "2021-12-25 14:56:47"
    "currency" => "USD"
    "dividendPolitics" => null
    "logo_svg" => null
    "gicGroup" => "Banks"
    "gicIndustry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "gicSector" => "Financials"
    "gicSubIndustry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "old_sector" => "Финансы"
    "old_industry" => "Банки"
    "name_en" => "America First Multifamily Investors"
    "description_en" => "America First Multifamily Investors, L.P. acquires, holds, sells, and deals in a portfolio of mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) that are issued to provide construction and/or permanent financing for multifamily and student housing, and residential and commercial properties. It operates through four segments: Mortgage Revenue Bond Investments, MF Properties, Public Housing Capital Fund Trusts, and Other Investments. As of December 31, 2020, the company owned 77 MRBs issued by state and local housing authorities in order to provide construction or permanent financing for 71 residential properties comprising a total of 11,851 rental units located in 15 states; and 3 governmental issuer loans related to 3 residential properties containing a total of 737 rental units located in 3 states in the United States. America First Capital Associates Limited Partnership Two serves as the general partner of the company. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Omaha, Nebraska."
    "address" => "14301 FNB Parkway, Omaha, NE, United States, 68154"
    "isin" => "US02364V1070"
    "ipo_date" => "1986-04-02"
    "split" => ""
    "split_date" => null
    "site" => "https://www.ataxfund.com"
    "holders" => ""
    "is_spb" => null
    "user_rating" => 0
  #original: array:37 [
    "id" => 2884
    "exchange_id" => 7
    "country_id" => 2
    "company_parent_id" => null
    "is_privilege" => 0
    "exchange" => "NASDAQ"
    "ticker" => "ATAX"
    "name" => "America First Multifamily Investors"
    "description" => "America First Multifamily Investors LP is a US-based company engaged in acquiring a portfolio of mortgage revenue bonds that are issued by state and local housing authorities to provide construction and permanent financing."
    "country" => "США"
    "sector" => "Financials"
    "industry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "sector_id" => 8
    "industry_id" => 63
    "logo" => "https://financialmodelingprep.com/image-stock/ATAX.jpg"
    "created_at" => "2021-03-07 12:03:27"
    "updated_at" => "2021-12-25 14:56:47"
    "currency" => "USD"
    "dividendPolitics" => null
    "logo_svg" => null
    "gicGroup" => "Banks"
    "gicIndustry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "gicSector" => "Financials"
    "gicSubIndustry" => "Thrifts & Mortgage Finance"
    "old_sector" => "Финансы"
    "old_industry" => "Банки"
    "name_en" => "America First Multifamily Investors"
    "description_en" => "America First Multifamily Investors, L.P. acquires, holds, sells, and deals in a portfolio of mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) that are issued to provide construction and/or permanent financing for multifamily and student housing, and residential and commercial properties. It operates through four segments: Mortgage Revenue Bond Investments, MF Properties, Public Housing Capital Fund Trusts, and Other Investments. As of December 31, 2020, the company owned 77 MRBs issued by state and local housing authorities in order to provide construction or permanent financing for 71 residential properties comprising a total of 11,851 rental units located in 15 states; and 3 governmental issuer loans related to 3 residential properties containing a total of 737 rental units located in 3 states in the United States. America First Capital Associates Limited Partnership Two serves as the general partner of the company. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Omaha, Nebraska."
    "address" => "14301 FNB Parkway, Omaha, NE, United States, 68154"
    "isin" => "US02364V1070"
    "ipo_date" => "1986-04-02"
    "split" => ""
    "split_date" => null
    "site" => "https://www.ataxfund.com"
    "holders" => ""
    "is_spb" => null
    "user_rating" => 0
  #changes: []
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  #relations: array:2 [
    "exchange_value" => App\Models\Exchanges {#482
      #connection: "mysql"
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      #primaryKey: "id"
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      +incrementing: true
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      #attributes: array:6 [
        "id" => 7
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        "country_id" => 2
        "created_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
        "updated_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
      #original: array:6 [
        "id" => 7
        "name" => "NASDAQ"
        "code" => "NASDAQ"
        "country_id" => 2
        "created_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
        "updated_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
      #changes: []
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      #dispatchesEvents: []
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      +timestamps: true
      #hidden: []
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      #fillable: []
      #guarded: array:1 [
        0 => "*"
    "country_value" => App\Models\Countries {#493
      #with: []
      #connection: "mysql"
      #table: "countries"
      #primaryKey: "id"
      #keyType: "int"
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      +exists: true
      +wasRecentlyCreated: false
      #attributes: array:6 [
        "id" => 2
        "name" => "США"
        "code" => "us"
        "flag" => "us.svg"
        "created_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
        "updated_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
      #original: array:6 [
        "id" => 2
        "name" => "США"
        "code" => "us"
        "flag" => "us.svg"
        "created_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
        "updated_at" => "2021-09-07 06:15:21"
      #changes: []
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      #dateFormat: null
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      #dispatchesEvents: []
      #observables: []
      #relations: []
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      #hidden: []
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      #fillable: []
      #guarded: array:1 [
        0 => "*"
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  #hidden: []
  #visible: []
  #guarded: array:1 [
    0 => "*"
  #scoutMetadata: []