"/var/www/finrange.com/source/app/Http/Controllers/Company/CompanyController.php: 717"
App\Models\Company {#329
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        "spider_data" => "{"I":2, "II":6, "III":0, "IV":0, "V":7, "VI":7, "VII":5, "VIII":0}"
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        "ticker" => "XPEV"
        "name" => "XPeng Inc"
        "description" => "XPeng Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and markets smart electric vehicles in the People's Republic of China. It offers SUVs under the G3 name; and four-door sports sedan under the P7 name. The company also provides sales contract, maintenance, super charging, vehicle leasing, and ride-hailing services. XPeng Inc. was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Guangzhou, the People's Republic of China."
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        "logo" => "https://eodhistoricaldata.com//img/logos/US/XPEV.png"
        "exchange" => "ACRA"
        "country" => "США"
        "sector" => "Consumer Discretionary"
        "industry" => "Automobiles"
        "peg" => -0.2386
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        "book_value_per_share_ltm" => 40.64
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