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Markedsværdi - refererer til den samlede værdi af alle en virksomheds aktier. Det beregnes ved at gange prisen på en aktie med dens samlede antal udestående aktier.


Virksomhedsværdi er et mål for en virksomheds samlede værdi, ofte brugt som et mere omfattende alternativ til aktiemarkedsværdi. Enterprise value omfatter i sin opgørelse markedsværdien af ​​en virksomhed, men også kortfristet og langfristet gæld samt eventuelle kontanter på virksomhedens balance.


Beta er en af ​​de mest populære indikatorer for risiko er et statistisk mål. Analytikere bruger ofte dette mål, når de skal bestemme en akties risikoprofil.


Udestående aktier refererer til et selskabs aktier, der i øjeblikket ejes af alle dets aktionærer, herunder aktieblokke, der ejes af institutionelle investorer og begrænsede aktier, der ejes af selskabets insidere.


År til dato (YTD) refererer til den periode, der begynder den første dag i det aktuelle kalenderår eller regnskabsår op til den aktuelle dato. akronymet ændrer ofte begreber som investeringsafkast og prisændringer.

18.13 %

Kommende arrangementer Ecolab

Alle arrangementer
Ingen kommende begivenheder planlagt

Diagram over Ecolab Udbytte

Udbyttedatoer Ecolab

Sidste dag til at købe aktier

Sidste dag for køb af udbytteaktier før registreringsdatoen.


Datoen for fastsættelse af besiddelse af aktier for at få udbytte.

Udbytte pr. aktie

Summen af ​​udbytteudbetaling i valuta fordelt mellem aktionærer pr. aktie.


Forholdet mellem årligt udbytte pr. aktie og markedsaktiekursen i procent.


Udbyttemålinger Ecolab


Forholdet mellem det samlede udbytte, der udbetales til aktionærerne i forhold til virksomhedens nettoindkomst.

Hyppighed af udbyttebetalinger

Hvor ofte inden for et år udbetaler virksomheden udbytte.

Løbende antal år udbyttebetaling

Hvor længe udbetaler virksomheden løbende udbytte.

5-års udbyttevækst

Vækstraten for udbytte over de seneste 5 år i procent

Udbyttevækst 5 år

Hvor meget udbytte er vokset over de seneste 5 år i procent


DSI viser, hvor regelmæssigt virksomheden har udbetalt og øget udbytte i de sidste 7 år.


Historie af udbytte Ecolab fra 1989 til 2024

Дивидендый календарь image

Ecolab Dividends (ECL)

Dividends on Ecolab (ECL) stocks are a part of the profit that shareholders receive from the company. In order to pay dividends to shareholders and investors, the company must receive a net profit, for further distriburing among shareholders or have free cash flow.

Besides, in order to pay you dividends, it is necessary that the Board of Directors recommends dividends and the closing date of the register. Then at the shareholders' meeting the amount of Ecolab dividends and the date is approved by shareholders.

When is the time to buy Ecolab (ECL) stocks for dividends?

For receiving Ecolab’s dividends it’s necessary to buy the stocks of the company (ECL) no more than 2 days before the closing of the register on 18.06.2024, since stock exchange trading takes place in the T+2 mode. Thus, the last date when you need to buy stocks to receive Ecolab dividends will be 16.06.2024

For dividends you can track the date of the last day for purchasing Ecolab stocks (ECL) in Dividend Calendar.

How can I receive Ecolab (ECL) dividends?

To receive Ecolab (ECL) dividends, you must own stocks on the date of preparing the list of persons entitled to receive dividend or the so-called register date.

The register is a list of Ecolab shareholders (ECL) with information on the number of stocks owned by the investor. Due to the fact that someone is constantly buying and selling company’s stocks on the stock exchange, it is necessary to fix the date of the register.

The closing date of the register for Ecolab (ECL) dividends was set for 18.06.2024.

Due to the T+2 trading mode, for receiving Ecolab’s dividends you must buy the stocks within at least two working days before the date, so that the last day to buy Ecolab stocks is to be 16.06.2024.

See the event caledar and the dividend calendar, as well as upcoming Ecolab events in order not to miss the dividends.

When will I receive Ecolab (ECL) dividends?

As a rule, investors receive dividends to a brokerage or bank account within the next 25 working days after the record date – 18.06.2024 at latest! Thus, Ecolab’s dividends should arrive no later than 0.57sDate.

Remember that after the cut-off date, Ecolab’s stocks usually decrease by the amount of the dividend paid per share. When the company is doing well and the market is positive, Ecolab’s dividend gap may be less than the dividend.

When is the deadline for the payment of dividends on Ecolab stocks (ECL) in 2024?

By the law, Ecolab is obliged to pay within the next 25 working days from the date of the 18.06.2024. Thus, the deadline for dividend payment on Ecolab stocks can be considered as 0.57sDate, but the company usually pays earlier than 25 working days.

How many Ecolab’s stocks do you need for receiving dividends?

For receiving Ecolab’s dividends, it is enough to buy or to own 1 share. If you buy 100 Ecolab’s stocks, you will receive dividends in the amount of 57 $ for it. Last time, the board of directors recommended to pay 0.57 $ per share.

How much will I receive as dividends per one Ecolab (ECL) share?

According to the last recommendations of Ecolab’s board of directors, you will receive 0.57 $ as dividend payment.

Where can I see Ecolab (ECL) dividends that has been paid out)?

The history of Ecolab’s dividend payment is reflected in the Ecolab’s card in the tab Dividends.

What dividend yield on Ecolab (ECL) stocks will I get?

The dividend yield of Ecolab’s stocks is the ratio of the dividend amount per share to the current market price, and is expressed as a percentage. Thus, the recommended dividend is 0.57 $, that means that your current dividend yield on Ecolab’s stocks is 0.24%.

It is important to remember that a high dividend yield is not a reason to buy Ecolab stocks! Therefore, before making an investment decision, we recommend to analyze the dynamics of financial indicators and Ecolab’s multipliers. You should also compare rivals, as you may find a much more profitable investment idea.

How often does Ecolab (ECL) pay dividends?

Lately Ecolab has been paying dividends 4 time a year. See the history of Ecolab’s dividends in order to check and verify the frequency of dividend payments as Ecolab’s dividend policy may change or the company may pay special dividends. The more often a company pays dividends, the more stable the investor's cash flow is.

All information and dividend data for Ecolab stocks you may see on a given page above.