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Stock Rating

Helps to invest in Artificial intelligence evaluates all business spheres in real time and rates the stocks as “Sell” or “Buy”.

Dividend Calendar

Informs about coming dividends for Russian or foreign stocks. Here you can find useful data about dividends – the size, payment period, dividend profitability, important dates.

Event Calendar

Helps to be aware of corporate events concerning Russia and Americans stocks. Financial and operational reporting, the Board of Directors’ and Shareholders’ meetings, dividends.

Stock screener

Helps to choose the cheapest and the most expensive stocks with the help of 150 different ratios and metrics.

Number of ratios

Tariff PRO allows to use more than 150 financial ratios for searching new investment ideas. If you use the tariff free of charge only 20 ratios are available.

20 150
Personal stock screener

Create your own screeners, taking into account only key criteria that you need according to your strategy. Add only those multipliers that you use. Tune the order of columns, set filters and save them with your own names.

1 Unlimited
Main ratios

Only basic metrics are available. They help you to make initial choice of stocks.

Stock price dynamics

Trace the dynamics within a definite period – a day, a month, a year and from the beginning of the year. Find top share risers and top share fallers.

Performance indicators

Find underrated and expensive stocks with the help of multipliers P/E, P/BV, P/S, P/FCF, EV/EBITDA, E/P, a value of Graham’s valuation, Dupont stock valuation, Altman Z-score and others.

Profitability ratios

These ratios help to define effective companies that can compete with others.

Dividend ratios

Find the best dividend stocks using such ratios as 12-month profitability, dividend ratios, period of years in a row when a company pays dividends, stability index, dividend growth, growth dynamics and others.

Liquidity ratios

These metrics will show the companies with capacity to fulfil short-term and long-term obligations. They are used to evaluate the capacity to pay in a given company and to compare it with the rivals.

Turnover ratios

Allow to find the companies, that effectively use their own money for profitability growth. These ratios help to define who sell goods more quickly than others.

Cash Flow ratios

Find companies with enough cash flow in order to cover capital cost and use the rest of money to dividends and buyback programs.

Last 12-month ratios

Allows to trace changes in company metrics and multipliers after each quarter reporting. Ratios and multipliers are counted every day after a day session closure.

Fundamental Analysis

A complex express-analysis, we collect all data in one place: metrics, multipliers, dividends, stock prices, news.

Price chart

Trace stock prices, analyze stock charts within last 35 years period.

Corporate news

Trace stock news, be aware about all events in company.

Dividend History

Choose the most promising companies taking into account the history of dividends for the last 30 years.

Dividend Metrics

Choose dividend aristocrats and kings without someone’s help. Use for it the parameters of constant dividend payments, stability index, dynamics of growth, other dividends metrics.

Industry Analysis

Analyze and define the position of company in the industry, comparing to other company-rivals.

Financial Performances (35)

All annual ad quarter financial metrics of companies for the last 30-30 years in charts and tables that will help to understand the situation in business.

Financial metrics (69)

All financial ratios that help to analyze and evaluate the company. The data are presented in charts and tables for the last 10-30 years.

Ready analytical templates (15)

Analyze more quickly with the help of graphical templates suggested by Finrange experts. They show the way, how professionals analyze stocks.

Market review

Dashboard that helps to evaluate current state of stock market in a country.

Favorite companies

Create our own list of stocks and trace the dynamics in real time.

News feed

All news about stocks collected in one place. We use the news from respected financial media.

Personal news feed

Gather the news that can interest you, and read them regularly. Add and create your own news feed.


Insiders’ deals show the attitude to a company from the side of the top-managers and shareholders. Usually the information that the top-manager bought stocks has a positive market feedback as it’s considered as they believe in their own company.

More details about functions
Analyze more than 60 000 stocks.
Allow to choose from thousands of companies the cheapest stocks using more than 150 000 different financial ratios and metrics
  • Comparison of stocks
  • Filtering and sorting
  • +150 multipliers
  • Ready screener
  • Creation of own screeners
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All annual and quarter financial ratios, multipliers, dividends, stock pricing, news
  • Stock rating
  • Quotation chart
  • Industry analysis
  • Dividend dynamics
  • Financial performance dynamics
  • Dynamics of ratios ad multipliers
How does it look?
Trace coming and passed events that can influence on stocks charts
  • Financial Performance
  • Operating Results
  • Board of Directors Meeting
  • Shareholders’ Meeting
  • Dates of dividends
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All information about dividends, answers on the questions – who, when, how much and how often will pay you dividends
  • Size of the dividend
  • Dividend yield
  • Date of Closure of the Dividend Register
  • Period of Dividend Payment
  • Dividend Stock Rating
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“ Finrange har et friskt intuitivt design. Teamet til Finrange består av fagfolk som handler i investeringssfæren i årevis. Alt er bestemt og konkret. Takk til skaperne for en veldig nyttig ressurs. Grunnleggende oversikter er organisert i moderne grafisk format. Du kan enkelt analysere selskapet etter verdsettelsesforhold og nøkkeltall. Og så – du er klar til å ta den riktige avgjørelsen.»
Eugene Strelka
Privat investor
“ Det er en god screener med sammenligning av selskaper innenfor en sfære. Du sammenligner økonomiske nøkkeltall, nøkkeltall og analyserer riktig alle parametere du trenger. Jeg vil gjerne understreke oppmerksomheten din på siden Vekst med data for de siste 5, 10 årene. Du kan se beregningene og se beskrivelsen av selskapet, dets spesialisering, nyheter, hendelser og vurdere selskapet som lærer diagrammene.\"
Alex Topilin
Privat investor
“ Jeg var heldig som fikk jobbe med en fullversjon av Finrange i det siste. Det er noe utrolig. Usannsynlig mesteparten av utenlandske ressurser design av nettstedet er veldig forståelig og komfortabelt utvalg av aksjer etter filtre. Her er mye ekstra og svært viktig informasjon om selskaper. Den største fordelen - det er en russisk språkressurs. Jeg er glad for at et så nyttig produkt dukker opp og er tilgjengelig for alle.»
Alexander Emelyanov
Privat investor
“ Jeg ønsker å gi tilbakemelding til Finrange, siden det er første gang i livet jeg bestemte meg for å kjøpe “PRO”. Ny tape og investorkalender er mine favorittsider, og jeg holder meg alltid informert om alt som skjer i markedet. Jeg bruker ofte Express Analyse av mine selskaper ved hjelp av screener. Det må nevnes at i et firmakort er det mye grafisk informasjon, og det er flott da det gjør analysen engasjerende uten kompliserte fortellinger og store tall. Takk for smart hjelp alle fra Finrange-teamet. :)“
Nikolay Medvedev
Privat investor
“ Fine verktøy for nybegynnere. Spesielt hyggelig at informasjonen er gitt i diagrammer. Jeg ser dynamikken i finans og utbytte, ser på veksten av inntekt eller gjeld, fortjenestemargin og mange andre viktige forhold. Jeg er sikker på at denne tjenesten skal være tilgjengelig for enhver startende investor. Jeg anbefaler.\"
Andrey Chernov
Privat investor
“ Veldig komfortabel ressurs med mange nyttige data og muligheten til å filtrere selskaper etter noen beregninger. Bedriftskortet inneholder det som er behov for skikkelig analyse. Jeg bruker å se på rapportene om utbytte. Det er en virkelig full informasjon om utbytte, historien om betalinger, hvor lenge og hvor lønnsomme utbyttene er fra selskapene mine.\"
Ilya Anisimov
Privat investor
Johnson & Johnson
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