$3.21 0.0000 0.0000%
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Rating Finrange Показатель: 37 %
Market cap

Market capitalization – refers to the total value of all a company's shares of stock. It is calculated by multiplying the price of a stock by its total number of outstanding shares.


Enterprise value is a measure of a company's total value, often used as a more comprehensive alternative to equity market capitalization. Enterprise value includes in its calculation the market capitalization of a company but also short-term and long-term debt as well as any cash on the company's balance sheet.


Beta is one of the most popular indicators of risk is a statistical measure. Analysts use this measure often when they need to determine a stock's risk profile.


Shares outstanding refer to a company's stock currently held by all its shareholders, including share blocks held by institutional investors and restricted shares owned by the company’s insiders.


Year to date (YTD) refers to the period of time beginning the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date. he acronym often modifies concepts such as investment returns and price change.

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Stock analysis

Indicator Company Industry

Shows how many years the investor's investment in the company will pay off with a profit over the last 12 months.

- 0.12

Shows the ratio of the market price of the share to the current book value.

4.01 0.60

Represents the ratio of the company's value to its pre-tax EBITDA in the last 12 months.

- 0.84

A company's debt ratio, which indicates how long the company will need to run on cash flow in the past 12 months to pay off its own debt.

- 0.66

Shows the efficiency of using the share capital by the company. In other words, ROE shows how much of the company's net profit for the invested capital over the last 12 months.

- 13.54

Price change per year

2.70$ 3.42$
Min Max

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About company

Company name:
Issuer ticker: NZTCF
Country: สหรัฐอเมริกา
Exchange: ACRA
Currency: $
Sector: Communication Services
Industry: Telecom Services

On which stock exchange are (NZTCF) stocks traded?

(NZTCF) stocks are traded on ACRA.

What is the ticker of stocks (NZTCF)?

The stock ticker of ’s stocks or in other words, the code is NZTCF. The stocks are currently listed on the ACRA exchange.

In which sector and industry does (NZTCF) operate?

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) classification developed jointly by MSCI and Standard & Poor's, (NZTCF) belongs to the «Communication Services» sector and the «Telecom Services» industry.

In what currency are (NZTCF) stocks traded?

(NZTCF) stocks are traded on the ACRA exchange in dollars.

What is the price of (NZTCF) stocks today?

The current price of stocks on 30.04.2024 is 3.21 dollars. per share.

What is the dynamics of (NZTCF) stocks from the beginning of the year?

(NZTCF) quotes have increased by 0% from the beginning of the year up to 3.21 dollars. per 1 stocks.

How much did (NZTCF) stocks increase in апреле 2024?

This month (NZTCF) quotes have increased by 0% to 3.21 dollars. per share.

How much are (NZTCF) stocks worth?

Today, on October, 30.04.2024 ’s (NZTCF) stocks cost 3.21 dollars..

What is the market capitalization of (NZTCF)?

Capitalization is the market value of (NZTCF) is calculated as the number of issued stocks multiplied on the current quotation price. Thus, on 30.04.2024, the market capitalization of (NZTCF) is estimated at about 5993471549 dollars.